40 years after the moon landing in 1969 and we haven't much to show. A lot of entertainment choices we didn't have in 1969, but the steel industry, electronics industry, textile industry, auto industry and even the aerospace industry are all but gone from our shores.
When will we get the fight back? The drive, the positivity and willingness to risk to progress? Not any time soon I'm afraid. This is so reminiscent of the '70's it's incredible. We can't even pay for our own doctors services. We can't build a fence on the border, and we can't tell the folks in D.C. that we've had enough. What a weak, pitiful people we have become.
Are you ready to fight back? Offend some people and even make a few mad? That's what it's going to take you know - and then some.
America could build a fence to the moon if we wanted too. That's the America I know and love!